Monday, August 20, 2007

Daddy would be proud...

They set up a row of old jars and bottles for the shooters and then I took my turn.

After the first haven't-done-this-in-TOO-many-years miss, I blew EVERYONE's socks off by hitting EVERY single one after that-probably a dozen. In fact, I was SO confident (after the second shot) that I asked for smaller jars. Kinda joking.

But they found them. In fact, they put a jelly jar on top of a quart jar and then propped the lid upright ontop of the jelly jar and then challenged me to go from TOP to BOTTOM on the pyramid.

And I did. TWICE.


Just call me Annie Oakley.

(PS. The best part was seeing the suprise and (gasp!) PRIDE in Matt's face when I was done!)
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  1. next time you should shoot the vermin in your garden; moving objects!

  2. Good for you! I used to target shoot, and was quite good. I even went hunting a few times, but never saw a thing when I was out.

  3. Woot! Well done! I haven't shot a gun for years; people would probably urge me NOT to pick one up! :)

  4. Way to go! I am not very good at shooting, but my dear hubby loves it so, when I go shooting with him at the range. Blessings!

  5. DH tried to get me to shoot one I did. I didn't miss and he never asked me to shoot again! :-)

  6. Wow, I am very impressed!

  7. Hey, I'm totally proud of you too! I'd love to be able to learn to target shoot.

    Somehow, my family frowns on it. Hehh, my family knows me. Granny with a gun is a scary thought!!! -grin-



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