Monday, August 06, 2007

He was very accomodating

This man can sleep through anything; drawing on his back, taking pictures, even me talking. (He is VERY practiced in THAT art form...)

All these sleep pictures lead me to a very important question.

Why is it that when MEN wake up, they look just as wonderful was they did sleeping-or even the day before? Maybe, even more studly. Women, on the other hand~wake up with greasy pores, greasy tangled locks, and all bedraggled?

Or maybe that is just me...
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  1. He may have been very accommodating... but he also looks like a bed hog! :)

  2. True enough Leah! Now I have the proof to convict him!

  3. That is when you get into bed and just elbow him back to HIS side! :D


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