Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ode to Toad

Last night it was SO cool and refreshing outside! Just a great night, all the way around.

As soon as the kids were in bed, Matt and I headed out to the pation to talk in the coolness of the evening. We began talking still in dim daylight, and ended in moonlight-with the constant flicker of fireflies to accompany us.

As we were chatting, our legs meeting each others' chair in the moonlight, I noticed a dark blob...and then it hopped. It was HUGE! I hopped right up and discovered MR. Toad there and he was eavesdropping! He sat just a foot away from Matt's chair the entire time we talked, and didn't mind when we got up to go inside.

I tricked him though, and came back out, camera in tow.

He was HUGE. So round his head seemed like an afterthought. He didn't have the most welcoming look on his face, but he didn't seem to mind that I took the 43 pictures that I took.

43 pictures! Of a TOAD! Digital is a VERY dangerous thing, indeed! The insane quantity of photos of the SAME thing frightens me sometimes, and makes me realize that this digital craze has created a monster in me! I can't even REMEMBER when I had to responsibily dole out a few allotted photos of only the most important things before my roll of film was filled up. Never again, I tell you!

And while 43 pictures of a toad IS ridiculous...I am thankful that this blog is a way for me to take photographs and enjoy even the smallest things in life-without having to wonder what I am going to do with a bunch of TOAD pictures!
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  1. Ooh..you probably know how much I love toads, Rebecca. I don't think 43 pictures is too many at
    all. :0)

  2. I wish that I could enjoy my patio in the evenings, it is still too hot. But I can't wait until the fall when my DH and I can enjoy the breeze.

  3. 43 pictures of a toad! You are soooo cute!!! But he is a pretty amazing toad, as toads go, one has to admit.


    Mine around here are pretty tiny and just greenish. Yours is .... quite amazing!


  4. HA! He's so fat!

    I loved the phrase about his head being an afterthought. It suits him perfectly.


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