Thursday, September 27, 2007

The funny things a CAMERA does...

I took this shot and it turned out like this.

I took the one below it-and it looks entirely different. I don't know what I did. Maybe metered with the sun and without. There are SO many variables... ugh.

I thought, "Self. It is nice to get the sun in the water-but lets add a ripple effect for some variation" so I chucked a stone into the pond. You know for ripples. (If I would have been good, I would have captured the 20 or so frogs that hopped hysterically to land when I came close...)

Only when I was home did I realize that somewhere between the THROW and the ripples, I snapped another picture. Cool. Always a perk, eh?
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  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Great shots!

  2. These are lovely. I too am infatuated with snapping shots of the sun.

  3. I love all of your pictures. What kind of camera do you have???

  4. Thanks all!

    Charree~it is about time I update my camera information on my sidebar Iwould say.... :-)

    I have a Canon Rebel XT. But it is far worthier than I and will only be able to used to its capacity when I learn more about it...

  5. These are neat shots!
    The best thing about digital is you can take as MANY as you want & you aren't wasting film!

  6. In the top two, you metered the sky. In the others, you metered more of the shadows (the barn). Meters will try to average the light to 18% grey--if that makes any sense. The good news is, you can always make it just how you want with a photo editing program! I like them just as they are.

    By the way, thanks for commenting on my blog today!


  7. I have been wanting a Rebel, maybe one day I will get one. I love the pictures you take.

  8. Charree~your photos are BEAUTIFUL so whatever camera you DO have-you are really using well!


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