Friday, September 07, 2007


Making Salsa, for me, is a TOTAL Labor of Love.

I don't eat the Salsa I make. Oh no. Give me Sam's Club Black Bean and Corn salsa any day. You know, the kind with FLAVOR!

Matt, on the other hand, likes things HOT. The hotter the better. In fact, things aren't really on his GOOD SCALE unless his eyes are watering and sweat squeezes out of his temples. If he is unable to speak upon tasting my food, I know that I have done good.

While my first year of Salsa making had me following the recipes to the letter-seeding jalepeno's with gloves on and such. As time progressed, I would just plop the whole pepper, seeds and all in the food processor. The more seeds, the better. Now, I have taken it up one MORE notch...adding to the mixture EXTRA red pepper flakes and splashes of HOT sauce.

Nope. You'll NEVER see me trying MY salsa!

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  1. Thank you for your encouraging words on my blog! You have blessed me and I am thankful!!!!
    Great job on the salsa. My dad was like your husband - I never could understand how pain could be enjoyable!

  2. Phillip likes his salsa the same way, Rebecca!! I like the black bean and corn salsa from Target! LOL


  3. Sounds like something my daughter and oldest son would eat...but I wouldn't go near the stuff. It's medium all the way for me!

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Hey, Just stopping by to say... I like the "mild" salsa. LOL No accounting for taste, right??
    I saw your link on Clare's blog. I had to say I have enjoyed your blog.....And the wonderful family pictures.

  5. I'm not ALONE! Hallelujah! :-)

    Jude~thanks so much for stopping by and saying Hello. It is really nice to hear from you and do hope you come again.


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