Saturday, September 29, 2007

Necessary Evils

The roofers came this week and began the task of roofing our little mansion. In order to protect our 'stuff', I had to tear down my precious patio. Plants, furniture, everything!

I didn't realize how sad, lonely and pathetic that monster slab of concrete was without the loveliness of living.

It was no longer a pretty spot-and certainly wasn't inviting.

Of course, having a truck in our front yard doesn't help much either.

I couldn't BEAR to see all loveliness vanish or my entire patio to become stark and cold. So I crammed as many plants under the protection of the front door roof as I possibly could and I made it my personal goal to FIND beauty even if I had to create it myself.
(That was an admirable goal-true, but didn't do much to change my attitude about the constant banging and hammering sounds...)
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  1. Your front porch is so pretty, Rebecca!! So inviting! I hope the roofers finish up quickly!


  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I like the front door now! Very pretty!



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