Tuesday, October 16, 2007


When I wake, the sun's cheerful morning rays of pink, orange, and gold reliably greet me. Sometimes they are more exquisite than others, but always a welcome sight. Some of the most beautiful ones make you lame for fear of missing one instant of its beauty while others, like this morning, put a smile on your face and you run to grab your camera.

Later, when you walk into the kitchen, to see the webs of shadows formed from your lace, you again appreciate the temperal things of beauty.

Especially when a piece of your heart walks in the shadows.

A stylish vintage-esque little lady with a smart hat. That is what I see.
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  1. So cute! She looks like she's waiting for someone to pour tea. And what, I wonder, did she spy over there to her right?

  2. Very Lovely- All Of Them!!!

  3. I am jealous, I want beautiful sunshine too.

  4. Dear Rebecca,
    Beautiful and captivating pictures! (as always) :)
    I can't wait to come back to your blog and read your Love Story (I have actually bookmarked both parts on my computer!) when I have a little more time, but for right now, I just wanted to thank you and tell you how much your prayers for Nolan mean to me and Edward. During such a hard time for our family, knowing that others are praying and being able to read your encouraging messages have been wonderful! Thank you and God bless you!
    Love and blessings,

  5. Ahhhh, you too found shadows, made by lace. :-)



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