Friday, October 12, 2007

Three guesses as to what I am up to...

Here is a visual clue as to what my day has entailed.

It seems as though something has been neglected in the cleaning realm from the looks of this picture....tsk tsk.

Any guesses? The answers are in the comments....
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  1. Not like any of these are tricky. Or that any of you CARE. But here are the answers:

    Switching summer/winter clothes.

    Costume making

    Quilt Block swapping...LOTS


    And not ONE of those projects has been completed yet...

  2. ::tearing up:: I received your package today! Oh my goodness. Thank you soooo much. I just posted about it on my blog and have been so blessed by your kind words and prayers. It really came in His perfect timing -- it's been a really hard week and was a sweet pick-me-up of my favorite season (despite all the pain involved with the dates of my losses & due dates, etc.) Thank you!!

  3. I care! I'm about done switching out my clothes, and Mike did his the other day. Isn't it nice we can switch to long sleeves at long last?
    Silly me...I thought that was a dial on a sewing machine. Until I looked closer. It would be great if they could somehow combine a sewing machine with a washing machine, LOL!
    BTW, did you ever hear of a magazine called Ottobre? It is from Finland, or someplace like that. It has the most delicious kid's clothes--complete with patterns--I've ever seen. I got my first issue from eBay. If you wanna drool over cute stuff (and there's some nice women's things, too!), google "Ottobre Magazine." As someone who sews, I think you'll like it! Real eye candy!


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