Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Apparently, one house was not good enough.

See?! Even if I freeze my pattooti off, I still force myself to go outside with the kids.

Today anyway.

I didn't take these pictures for the kids. I took them for the hats. SO cute! Matching HATS! I love it!

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  1. Oh, I am with you! I always dread the cold days...

    Is that the doghouse they are in? :)

  2. Where did you get those hats? I love them!


  3. Michelle~it sure is... I guess we are taking too long building a PLAYhouse-they need to use the doghouse!

    Megan (love your screenname!), I got those hats last year at the end of the year clearance for 1.00 a piece from Old Navy. I also got matching sleepers for them! :-)


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