Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Olden Days

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting one of my childhood homes and our 'adopted' grandmothers, our neighbor Mrs. Ort. I have such fond memories of this dear woman. She attended Grandparents' Day at school with us when distance kept our blood relatives away. I used to think of Mrs. Ort as a queen. She loved glitz and glam (I think I might have gottan my love for those things from her, perhaps...) and was known to wear sparkle rings as big as cherries. She always smelled of her favorite perfume-and her home smelled the same.

Though it has been nearly a dozen years later, when the door was opened, that same wonderfully familiar smell danced around my nose and I was taken back to those many years ago. She hasn't changed one bit. She doesn't look a day older than I remember her so long ago. She is amazing and I will always love her.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got to see Mrs. Ort, and get a picture with her!!! That was very special :)


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