Monday, December 03, 2007

Chocolate Dipped

Last week we made chocolate dipped pretzels.

1) They are easy.
2) They are sweet and salty-a perfect combo!
3)They are chocolate.
4) We could eat them as a special treat while decorating the tree.
5) They are chocolate.
6)We could save some for when Grandma and Grandpa came.
7) They are chocolate.
8) The children got to toss around some nonparils.

Did I mention they are chocolate?


  1. You forgot to mention that they are chocolate! ;)

    We make these every year and we all love them. i think that we eat more of them than we give away!

  2. That reminds me, I have to get my behind to the craft store...I planned on dipping pretzels in pink chocolate, with peppermint oil for Cassandra's party, hopefully I can get out and do that in the next day or two!!!

  3. You've been to my blog. But please read here and see why I can't comment in yours, for a bit. Yish...


  4. What a lovely evening -- so much thought and happiness, I'm sure your kids will remember it always. Your tree looks beautiful.

  5. My children and I LOVE making these! I could eat my weight in them!!!!



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