Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Events Leading Up to Christmas

Last weekend we headed North, again, to visit this time with MY side of the family. It was a VERY busy time-but everyone expects that because my parents' is a busy household. It was great fun and I enjoyed getting lots of visiting time in with my brother and sister-in-law whom I rarely see. Following are the photos from the weekend.

On Christmas Eve, just like Christmas day, Matt had to work-so the children and I went to the mall because I wanted to surprise the children with a visit with Santa. Plus, I had some tickets for a free (mall) train ride.

I was one of those queerbait Mom's who brings their own camera. I wasn't going to use it, I didn't want to step on toes or anything. I only used it after the woman said "I see you have a camera bag. You are more than welcome to use it." Hey! You don't have to tell me twice!

I have never taken the children to sit on Santa's lap because I thought you HAD to buy photos. Which I never ever would for the outrageous prices they charge! But even if I did NORMALLY, I wouldn't have this year, because well...the Santa looked fake. Oh yeah...and Andrew was petrified of the guy!

Santa was very impressed with Corynn's wishlist. He was shocked to hear a four year old ask only for a watch and a pair of sunglasses. I guess the wishlists for other children have been quite long and varied...

They both enjoyed the trainride though.
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, Andrew looks like he liked Santa about as much as Kaden did this must be something about the age...


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