Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Preparing the Way

I want to share with you a most amazing thing that happened last week, the musings of which has not escaped my thoughts since.

I was given a great gift, within a gift. Which one is the former and which is the latter, you decide.

Everyone who knows me well, knows that I really enjoy creating things with one of the greatest mediums of creativity being that of sewing. If you follow my blog and hence, my thoughts, you will remember that I mentioned my sewing machine had broken.

I have grown very comfortable writing whatever it is that is in my mind, right here on my blog, and so there isn't terribly much about my life that I choose to keep secret. I mentioned it on my blog for no other reason than I am accustomed to sharing these personal bits of my life here. It is an outlet and, in truth, I have grown rather fond of it.

A few days after it had been written, I received a most amazing communication. It was from a woman named Kris, who knew of my desires to sew and knew of my current situation being without a machine. She told of how she had several machines and wanted to bless me with one of them that she no longer used.

Not only that. But that she lived closeby.

Not only that. But she was going to be travelling even closer over the weekend!

I went to bed, in utter shock. How could someone give a person so great a gift to someone they didn't even KNOW?

How could it be-that I needed a sewing machine and that there was someone willing to give one to me and that person lived CLOSE BY?

In an odd way, I felt very guilty about accepting such an extravagent gift.

I pondered that night for quite a long time, and the truth brought me down to my knees.

Scripture says "Ask and it will be given unto you; seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks the doors will be opened." (Matt 7)

I have read those words so many times in my life. I always thought I knew precisely what they meant. Once my eyes were opened to the truth, though, I realized while I knew SOME of what those words meant, I didn't realize what a multitude of truths those verses opened up.

Previously, I had limited the meaning behind those words by assuming Christ meant the necessities of life. I put the truth in a nice, tidy square little box and tucked it into my memory. After all, the previous chapter (one of my favorites in the whole of scripture ~Matt. 6) speaks to us concerning our physical needs to survive. We NEED food. We NEED water. We NEED protection in the forms of clothing and housing. Jesus speaks to us, telling us not to worry, that we are MORE important to Him than the Lilies of the field, clothed in glory and majesty finer than all of King Solomon's wardrobe.

I boxed up the truth, as I had understood it, to hide it in my heart but in doing so, I had put God in a box. I had limited my understanding of His power.

Yes. He certainly cares for the NEEDS of His people. Without a doubt. But that is incomplete.

He also cares for the WANTS. He blesses us with things that we could certainly live without. A sewing machine, in the grand scheme of things, is pretty inconsequential to living. It is easy as pie just to pop in the car and drive to a store to get something you might need. Even if you don't have lots of money to buy designer clothes-there is fabric that serves as warmth at the nearest thrift stores. You don't need Old Navy to survive, after all. No NEED to sew your own clothing these days. But to me, it was a great desire of my heart. I prayed that I might be able to save up enough money to purchase another one soon. I pined for a machine, in its absence. The Lord knew the desires of my heart and had granted them for no other reason than He loves me.

It is not coincidence that Kris found my blog, however she did end up doing so.

It is not coincidence that she had several extra machines that she no longer needed.

It is not happenstance that she happened to live close by.

She isn't just an average person who decided to give someone something.

The God of all, the Creator of you and I, the all-knowing, all-powerful has orchestrated a GREAT plan for each of His children. That plan may include spouses, children, mortgages, vehicles, farms, and yes-even sewing machines. He has planned and has coordinated EACH AND EVERY facet of our lives. He has intertwined the lives of His people, He has prepared hearts to yield to Him, and He has given gifts to ALL His people in order that they may be used to further His kingdom. He has planned how we will be born, how we will live, and how we will die-and He has filled each moment of each day with His grace.

I wanted to share with you my great gift of a sewing machine, for which I am SO excited and SO thankful.

But more than that, I wanted to share with you the great epiphany that was spurred by such a gift.

I was given two gifts in one this past weekend and they have led me to some serious introspection.

How am I preparing myself to be open for the Lord to use me in this life? Am I sharing my life as I ought? Am I self-sacrificing enough to give a gift to someone I don't even know, expecting nothing in return? Am I being a good steward of what I do have? Am I givng God all the glory and honor? Am I limiting God, or allowing my ignorance to put Him in a box?

Perhaps THAT is the greatest gift of all?

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  1. I read the comment that Kris left you, and Autumn and I had tears in our eyes as we thanked God for His answer to your hearfelt prayers. I'm so glad that you accepted her generosity, and more so that it made you open your eyes wider to our marvelous Father.

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    We do serve a marvelous God. The one and only true God. Isn't it wonderful that He knows our every need and want and seeks to fulfill them. Glad your eyes were opened once again to what He can do for us.

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Dear Rebecca,
    The sewing machine looks just like it belongs on your table! I'm so glad it has found such a warm and loving new home! Your post rang true with me about realizing that God does care about our wants, as well as our needs. He made this point so completely real to me this past summer. As the kids and I were making our usual yard-sale rounds on Fridays, I cannot tell you how many "wants" were granted! It sounds so silly, but so many times I said to the kids, "Look how God has provided this for us!" One item, in particular, I was looking for at Wal-Mart and was told that they no longer sell. It was a functional item that I didn't need, but was going to make my life a bit easier. The very next day, we found the exact item for $1! It actually gave me chills when I saw it on the table! I KNEW that God placed that item there, just for me! I could almost hear Him saying, "Here, Kris...this is for you...I love you, Kris." And so many other things...I keep telling myself I need to keep a "blessings journal!"

    I'm convinced that when we seek to honor Him with our lives, striving to serve our husbands and children and use the resources He gives us to help others, He will honor the desires of our hearts. Isn't it remarkable that He chooses to show His love in such tangible ways? I've gotten to the point that I hate to buy anything in a store because I'm more excited to see how or when HE will provide it for me!

    Enjoy the machine. I'm sure you will use it to bless many people. And I also praise God with you, who orchestrates every day of our lives and gives us the desire to love Him, and, in turn, love each other.


  4. What a precious post...the details..our God is such a God of details of every detail.....and HE does know what is best...and I love what you have shared about this process....through a sewing machine...through blogging...isn't God just so good...
    found you via Tracy's

  5. What a wonderful post. Our pastor asked us at one time what we wanted (we, as a congregation). Most people would say something they had dreamed of, but maybe not EVERYTHING they wanted, not just needed. Pastor reminded us that day to never, ever, put God in a box. He truly does want to give us the desires of our heart.

    I am so happy that you were given the sewing machine. I am so happy that you gave us the gift of your story to remind us of God's incredible love. Thank you.

  6. God is so good! I LOVE answered prayers.

    I have 2 extra machines that I considered contacting you about, but first - I am unsure of how well their working order may be and second - I don't think I'm very closeby. BUT - should you need one in the future, let me know and you are welcome to have one or both of them.

  7. How sweet and inspiring. Your sewing encourages me greatly. Im so glad you can continue again!! Thank you for sharing! =)

  8. what a wonderful blessing !

  9. Isn't it so amazing the different ways God chooses to reveal himself to us, and use every day things to show us how much he loves and cares for us. My husband often says how Gods word is like an onion, we tend to only peel back the top layer, but in reality there are many layers to it, many different understandings of one simple verse.
    I'm so glad for your new machine and your new understanding!

  10. Kris is a blessing, and you are a blessing- it seems fitting that God would also provide a sewing machine as a blessing too! God is very Good :)

  11. Rebecca,

    You have such a great faith. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as such I tend to put people who just go to another Church in a small, tidy box. Your blog has opened my eyes to reality and made me realize that everyone is a child of God and is able to see and feel His hand in their lives. Amazing.


  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    What a wonderful blessing!!!


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