Finances. Getting rid of debt has to happen before saving. So, don't be too hard on yourself. It will come.
School. To borrow a phrase, "Just do it." You must. And you will find it pleasant.
I like that you've looked back, and are pleased. I hate to hear people saying that they have failed at this or that. Any progress is a step forward, and should be looked upon as such.
Sanctification is a process, not an instant thing. This, I know that you know! ;0)
Happy New Year! Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? Our small group studied his materials for financial freedom and it was very helpful. I think you can get more info at
Finances. Getting rid of debt has to happen before saving. So, don't be too hard on yourself. It will come.
ReplyDeleteSchool. To borrow a phrase, "Just do it." You must. And you will find it pleasant.
I like that you've looked back, and are pleased. I hate to hear people saying that they have failed at this or that. Any progress is a step forward, and should be looked upon as such.
Sanctification is a process, not an instant thing. This, I know that you know! ;0)
This sounds like the very best way to ring in the New Year!
ReplyDeleteHappy and Healthy New Year wishes to you and yours.
The above comment refers to ~~ "We rang in the New Year with a movie and a cuddle. Ahhhh....relaxing!"
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't explain that. :-)
Happy New Year! Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? Our small group studied his materials for financial freedom and it was very helpful. I think you can get more info at
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! I love the quilts!
ReplyDeleteWe had a slow celebration, too, and it was a wonderful night. Who needs fireworks?