Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Bad Rap

When the snow starts falling, it seems all the birds become frantic for food. They start flittering to the feeders with avengence and their bellies have shown visible growth by the time the day is done.

This snow is no exception.

I really like Bluejays. I think, overall, they have gotten a bad rap. Unless it is just OUR birds. While it is generally known that bluejays are 'bully birds', it doesn't seem that OURS are. They seem pleasant and polite, and they rarely bully the other birds. They seem content to mind their own business, in our neck of the woods.

Besides, how can you hate a bird that is so beautiful?

They have their own brand of sweetness, especially when their little beaks are covered in snow. MOST especially when it is accompanied by a cute little cocking of the head.

Now who could hate a sweet face like that?

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  1. I love bluejays! We have lots who come around for peanuts. Actually, we throw peanuts to the squirrels, who have to be fast or the jays get them. But I throw out plenty for everyone, LOL!

  2. Oh, I love bluejays too! A friend came over last night and started talking about how mean blue jays are. I had to stick up our Mr. Jay. He calls from our front yard tree almost every morning for a handful of peanuts. :0) Beautiful pictures!

  3. We have friendly bluejays too! The always share nicely with all of our little vistors!


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