Sunday, February 24, 2008

Little Miss Corynn

Corynn was in her element, from the moment she spied the 'BEeaUUUUUU-tiful building with the green top" to moment we waved it goodbye on our journey home.

She buzzed about, living out her dreams of castles, princesses, and all other wonders evoked from such a place. Occasionally, a few 'pretends' were not as grandious as the place. Above-she was returning from a wonderful visit at Gram's house.

Here, she followed a road to China.

And here, ah, here... She cracked both Papa and I up when she said "Pretend I am a woman who doesn't have a car, and I am going to wait for the bus." The look on her face says it all. She really gets into character.
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  1. Are you in Philadelphia?

  2. Oops. Just realized...I never did post the TOWN we were in! hehehe

    We were in Harrisburg. :-)


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