Saturday, February 16, 2008

Much needed fresh air.

Fresh air is good for the body AND the soul.

Especially after spending 48 hours going through stuff inside of, on top of, underneath, more stuff and more stuff. Dust, bugs, books, junk, all that *wonderful* stuff. Just tackling a portion of the basement marked our house an evacuation zone. I can't imagine what it will be like if/when we ever move. Ugh. I won't even think about it now.

I needed fresh air this afternoon, for my mental health and it was a perfect day to get it.


"OUCH! It bit me!", said she.

Well, Missy...what did you expect crawling among something looking like THIS?!?

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  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    You should enter your photos at im having fun and learning lots from other phtographers. Weve had the sickies. Im soo ready to go out and get some fresh air!

  2. What beautiful pictures of your fun day out, Rebecca! It rained all day here so it was inside for us. :0(

  3. My goodness, that thing looks positively alien!
    BTW, apologies...I completely forgot about the book I'm buying from you. Duh! Just sent you a paypal payment!


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