Thursday, May 22, 2008

Food for Thought

It's been ages since I gave up some recipes at Kitchen Riches.

Wanna know why?

Because I am hardly ever making anything exciting these days. Sometimes I wanna puke. Sometimes I am too tired. Sometimes I lack the motivation. Occasionally my family will get a decent meal-but in truth, it has been pretty darn rare.

In fact, as long I am keepin' it real: I have a confession to make.

Two weeks ago, I bought my very first box of Hamburger Helper. I couldn't believe I was doing it, but I did. My hands just grabbed for it and no matter what my mind willed them to do-they just continued on their mission. I got it because I hated smells that day and just the thought of cooking repulsed me.

So I got it. Thinking one night. One box. One skillet. One happy Mama.

But you know what? I'll never do it again. I guess I presumed that it would cook the beef itself-and the beef was precisely what I DIDN'T want to have to cook. But I HAD to. Now frankly~ It just ain't 'convenience food' if it requires the same amount of work as 'from scratch.'

Can I get an AMEN?!?

So, that basically stunk.


But, if you are so inclined, there is a recipe for something I canned but only recently opened to find it was magnificent, a few drinks (even the kind that make them REALLY good-winky. winky) and even a few *gasp* food recipes (mostly stolen.)


Eat Hearty!

At least heartier than me and MY family.

But, hey, that ain't sayin' much...

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  1. Hi Rebecca :) Thank you for the recipes! Love, Q

  2. Your photography is truly gorgeous Rebecca as are your beautiful children. I found your blog from a link from another and so glad I did. I have bookmarked you and will call again later when i have a little more time.

  3. We're having a barbecue tonight so I'm trying the strawberry-lemonade. Thanks for the recipes, Rebecca!


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