Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I had originally planned and had REALLY hoped to entertain outdoors at 'my retreat'. In fact, I was set to do it up until three hours before the party and it began raining. I hadn't cleaned the house at all, thinking I didn't have to because we would be outside the whole time. Needless to say, between food preparations and cleaning the house-I was a busy bee. Somehow, don't ask me how, it all gone done in record time with even a few quiet moments to spare.

This was the menu:

Chicken salad with pita bread

Crackers served with a chive cream cheese spread (a brand-spanking, newly created by me experimental recipe!), or spread with regular cream cheese and topped with hot pepper jelly (homecanned).

From Scratch Strawberry Lemonade

Maple Creme filled strawberries, and other fruit

Quiche bites (brought by Nancy)

and Lemony Angel Cake (decorated with Native Columbine)

Since I planned to use my pretty 'retreat' spot, decorating the house never even crossed my mind. About ten minutes before all the guests arrived, I donned a raincoat an grabbed my scissors and flower basket to retrieve some free decorations-in my favorite form: flowers.

Thank goodness for a newly blooming rhododendrun and abundant wild phlox. I thought it looked lovely with the pale blue of my watering can. I spread flowers in a few more vases throughout the house too. Since they were free and abundant....


  1. The meal sounded scrumptious, I LOVE CHICKEN SALAD! :) It looked very pretty with all the fresh flowers!

  2. You really are the hostess with the mostest!!! Even a change of venue didn't ruffle your feathers. I would have been frazzled! Great job. I am so sure it was most appreciated by the 'new' mom.

  3. Everything is beautiful and the menu sounds delicious! I would love to know more about the maple creme filled strawberries!


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