Wednesday, May 14, 2008


While on a walk to search out a Killdeer nest, we found instead a pollywog posse. It was an exciting find-especially since every time we took a step we spotted hundreds more in another spot. There were thousands of them, anxiously flitting about their little tails.

We are all pretty excited about the find~in a spot where we often walk to, so we can keep an eye on their progress. This is very good, since our homemade pollywog pond (two years running) is going to be a no-go this year. Now we get to enjoy the transformation even without having to maintain it!

Ummm...yeah. There are a fair amount there.

The first ten minutes was exploring them, watching them and studying them. The next twenty minutes was catching them.

The last five minutes was convincing the children to leave them...

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  1. Can you imagine the noise if they all turn into frogs? What fun. I used to love catching them as a kid and watching them evolve.

    Enjoy! God has a perfect plan even for those little rascals.

  2. Great homeschooling! THIS is what it's all about!

  3. Oh, cool! I wonder what it will be like when they all turn into froggies?

    BTW, I'm doing a 400th post giveaway on my blog if you'd like to stop by!

  4. I used to love catching pollywogs (or tadpoles as we called them!) with my brothers and sisters. What a fun adventure for your little ones!

  5. It looks like you have the beginnings of an Egyptian plague close at hand! I wish we had something like this nearby-- what a cool thing to observe regularly.


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