Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

These children have the best Papa in the world. Do they know it fully and completely? Not quite.

While Corynn knows all about the orphans of the world, poor children who don't HAVE any parents at all; the thought of there being BAD parents in the world has never even crossed her mind. Abuse, neglect, or even just plain lack of love just doesn't seem to be fathomable in her eyes.

All these children see every day is love, happiness, joy, hugs and kisses, understanding. When they are hurt, kisses magically 'heal' the hurts; forgiveness and love are on the heels of discipline.

They don't know how good they have it, but they do know that they love their Papa and are utterly devoted to him. It is obvious. They soak him up at every moment, and beg for more. They look to him for encouragement and they try to please him and only to know that they did. They bask in every moment He lets them work alongside him, even though it might be more work for him.

I wanted to find a way to show Matt these things and tell him how much we all love him for who he is and what he does for us. We are not a big 'gift' family. That doesn't mean we don't love presents (heaven forbid!) , but we find much more meaning in the things we can DO for one another, than the things we can buy (or receive.)

We all did our part. Corynn and Andrew made a Father's Day banner, we all worked on making some of his favorite cookies, and I took a few photos of the kids in order to make him a meaningful card.

These are the images I came up with. The first photo was SUPPOSED to reveal an OBVIOUS heart in the forming of their arms. Obviously, it didn't work out quite as I expected.

Mental note: Try this idea again when they have a CLUE what I am trying to do. Like, say, when they are 16 and 18.

The rest are as follows.

After I picked 'the' picture and made the card, we got all our stuff together and decorated the office in the barn. The cows don't take Father's Day off and it just so happens this is his weekend "on". So, he had to work. It was made more special, however, by our EFFORTS.

We love him so.


  1. I bet Matt had a wonderful Father's Day! Come to think of it...I do see a heart in that picture!


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