Monday, June 30, 2008

Seeing Pink

This happy lady is now REALLY happy! She gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl last night.

My sister asked me to post this so that those of you who visit BOTH of our blogs will hear the good news.

I'll leave her to tell the story, though, and it IS a good one!

PS. Elizabeth~ post a picture of that baby PRONTO-because I am dying to 'see' her. While you are seeing pink, I am seeing green-wishing I could be there in person!

She should be out of the hospital sometime tomorrow... I don't know about you, but I'll be waiting on pins and needles until then...
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  1. Did she end up not being induced?

    Congratulations to Elizabeth and family!!

    Welcome little Christiana! :D

  2. Grandma called grandma, and I was so pleased on how easy a birth it was. I can't wait to hear more of the story! And to see pictures. I am so thrilled for Elizabeth!!

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM


    You don't have a link (well, not that I could see!) so I can go and have a peek at the wee baby!

    Congratulations though!

    Cheers, Wilm in NZ

  4. The snake must have eaten your link section. Elizabeth used to be there. I can't wait to see the wee one. She sure wasn't as big as I thought she would be at 10 days late.

  5. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Praise the Lord! I'm so glad Elizabeth's precious little girl has finally arrived! Can't wait to hear all about the birth story and see pictures of the sweet baby girl!

    Michelle, I'm guessing that she went into labor on her own. She was scheduled to be induced today.

  6. THANK YOU SO MUCH REBECCA for filling us in on Elizabeth's wonderful news. I can't wait to see her little one! :o) Blessings to you...the proud aunt!

  7. Thanks Rebecca for letting us know about the great news! I'm coming in to New York in two weeks so can't wait to see Elizabeth and the baby (and the rest of the family).

  8. Michelle~ yep-she never had to be induced-I was excited for her in that respect!

    Wilm~ good point. Noted and Corrected. ;-)

    And Mrs. B~ My bloglist became so long and embarrassing ( I have a few photographer and decorating blogs I check soley for those purposes) that I became ashamed to share it with the rest of the world. Plus, I found this cool gadget called a blog reader ( that shows you all the blogs that are actually updated, so you don't have to waste time going to blogs to CHECK if they have posted. It is handy. I don't offend people who visit here if I don't have them on my blogroll, and I don't waste my entire sidebar on links. Which is especially important these days because I am trying to organize all my posts into categories so that people can look back in the archives easier. So-That is the LONG story of the links section. I like your shortened version better.

    Caroline~ Wow! What perfect timing! I just know Elizabeth with just LOVE showing her children off. Seems to me, you have got some showing off to do too now! ;-)


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