Friday, June 20, 2008

Toe dipping

After quite a long bout of no energy and motivation only to sleep and eat saltine crackers, I have noticed myself getting back into the swing of things more, even to the point of dabbling in my craft room! I haven't finished any monumental projects, more like I have just dipped my big toe into the water to test to see how it feels, whether I can hack it or not.

So far, it is the perfect temperature! I decided I wanted to make something for Bunkin and I was reunited with this gorgeous vintage-y baby fabric that just oozes cuteness when I was sorting through fabric. I bought a yard of it long before Bunkin was a speck in my eye, just because I loved it so.

I opted to make some burp clothes. Way more snazzy than the cloth diapers I used to use! Since we don't know (and won't) just WHAT Bunkin will be (in the form of gender, that is....we ARE hoping for human! hehe) I made them as gender neutral as possible. Blue ric-rack, but a pale blue. Purple Satin stripe and polka dots, but not too feminine that it can't be used for a boy.

And just for giggles, I experimented with styles. I love the satin ribbon and can imagine a newborn snuggling into it and feeling all warm and cozy with soft flannel and smooth satin rubbing against their baby soft cheek, but the boxy is not all that original. I like the shape of the other one better~ narrows at the shoulder and widens for coverage, at the bottom. So- I still don't know which is my favorite. Truth be told, looking at both of them makes me happy inside. That cute yellowfabric does that to me. And the thought of Bunkin actually using them. That does it too.

Not particularly crafty: but here to remind me to get into that mending box every now and again...

One particular day, actually-the first day I revisited my craft room in probably a month!, I had the itch to get the machine humming but I had NO idea what to make. I didn't really relish the idea of drowning in this huge project, either. I mean, the desire to do SOMETHING was burning within me. I just HAD to sew to feel better! Ever get that way, or is it just me?

My mind was blank so I opted to go through my mending box for inspiration and busywork. Wowza! I couldn't believe my eyes! I found three GORGEOUS smocked dresses that I bought at some yard sales last year (that I didn't know needed hemmed until I got home-not that it would have mattered much.) If I wouldn't have found them this summer, it would have been too late for Corynn to wear them-and that would be a shame!

That day, I mended 7 dresses for Corynn and two adult shirts in just less than an hour. (Corynn's armoir is now BRIMMING with dresses!)

It was A PERFECT way to give in to the 'stitch itch' and afterwards, I still got the fabulous feeling of accomplishment as I looked upon the huge pile of clothes, made wearable by me!

For more Sew Crafty Fun, visit Shereen's blog
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  1. I LOVE those precious little cloths. And I too can imagine a wee one snuggling against flannel and ribbon. I like the rectangle, just because I think it's more practical. The other one is adorable, too.

    And that dress of Corynn's is gorgeous!

  2. They are very cute, Rebecca. I just made some about a month ago and they were adorable. I had the ugly white diapers when my children were that age. This baby will be very fashionable :-)!


  3. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! I hope you can find some relaxation in your sewing. I love the burp're right, so much more stylish than a diaper, LOL! And that smocked dress your daughter is wearing...sigh...almost makes me want to have another little girl just to dress her up.
    Of my four, the only one I knew the gender of was Nicky. I had some tests done because of problems. My thought was, I didn't want a bunch of nurses knowing what I didn't know, so I opted to find out. Well, I tell you--that was the one element missing from the birth...surprise! I was so happy to see my healthy son, but it wasn't like "It's a Boy!!!" It was..."oh, there's Nicky!"
    Yep, keeping it a secret is a lot more fun.

  4. What cute burp cloths, I love the fabric! I wondered if you were going to find out what you are having. I found out yesterday (through rather unusual circumstances) that I will be digging out the baby...... clothes :0)

  5. I love the cloths too. The baby will love that silky section. My grandkids wear that part out of things. Glad you are back to being crafty. It is such therapy. I worked for 6 hours yesterday on cards - making and writing. I felt so refreshed afterwards.

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    How precious those clothes are. I agree, a bit snazzier than traditional cloth diapers.(That's what I used to use also) I really like the shaped one with the ric-rac around the edge. And I bet the rectangular one will make a wonderful doll blanket after it is no longer needed as a burp rag. Lovely.

  7. These are so nice! Lucky Bunkin'


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