Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Airplanes. Made by and for the boy who has been obsessed with 'em since He rode on one in March.

Snakes. The brown paper kind.

I told you all I am seeing these days is brown! ;-)
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  1. Oh my! I am praying for you during these busy and stressful days, Rebecca! Hang in there!

  2. I remember last year when we moved, it was a similiar whirl of brown everywhere! Our 1 1/2 year old sure had fun in those boxes though. It is hard to say goodbye to a place you've called home, but it sure is exciting to anticipate the home God is sending you to in turn!

  3. Looks like you are making a lot of headway! Keep up the work, and what wonderful job you are doing making this move not only an educational experience for Corynn, but lots of fun, too! Too bad you are pregnant (not really...:o)) or you could keep some of those booze out for 'relaxing' the momma! ;o) (a good margarita sound yummy right now!)


  4. What a wonderful idea - having Corrine label the boxes. Having many, many times in my married life, I can empathize, Rebecca!

  5. And you think you are not having school! She is learning right along with you doing your packing. What a great idea.


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