Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Down the road abit

One of my favorite spots, thus far.

A few miles down the road there is a small Amish community and this home always catches my breath, especially the garden. Who knew a vegetable garden could be so lovely?!?

I took a photo for inspiration~ never can a dull vegetable garden be planted by the Newmans. Never again.
That might just be considered a sin.

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  1. I no longer plant dull vegetable gardens either, and let me tell you what a pleasure it is to look out and see my zinnias, marigolds, and cosmos growing happily amongst my tomatoes, beans, zucchine, etc.
    The garden could use a good tilling right now, and the Japanese beetles are reeking their havok, but I still get joy from looking out my kitchen window!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm tired, and I misspelled "their," and I couldn't bear to leave it they're their there.

    I, too, drool over gardens that include a cutting garden, and I've tucked away pages I've ripped out of magazines that show the type of cutting garden I plan to add to our veggies when we're in the country.

    So pretty.

    (And I bet the Amish men in this house aren't sloppy with they're leavings, either.)

  4. See? Right on the tail end of the comment.

    Sic those grammar hounds on me!


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