Tuesday, August 05, 2008

To Do

Yes~ another reposted photo...from last the 2007 August archives, around this time. You can tell I am starting to get excited about life again...I actually have something to SAY on here! ;-)

The checklist for today and tomorrow morning:

Move all boxes and paraphernalia to outer edges of master bedroom and pink room.

Sweep and mop floors in both rooms

Create mini-kitchen in master bedroom (unpack opened food boxes) and paper goods.

Find microwave and crockpot. Unearth grill.

Set up small table in master bedroom

Set up computer for internet connection-coming on Saturday-barring any catastrophes.

Clean upstairs toilet and shower

Set up mattresses in rooms

All these things are leading up to:

Sleeping in our OWN house tomorrow night! ;-)


  1. See, I told you no one has deserted you! You posted 3 times today and you have 6-7 comments on each of the latter posts already! :) I am so very excited for your move, and I am the lucky one who gets to enjoy the live photos of life instead of the still ones :) I'm so glad you are back dear sister!

  2. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, Rebecca. There is nothing like being in your own home, even if it's in the midst of boxes.

  3. Yippee!!! I am so excited for you and your family, Rebecca!

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Have fun! Can't wait for pictures. I know you will make it a home even under difficult conditions.

    Crystal in Pahrump

  5. See? We're all still here, just waiting patiently for news and pics. (What kind of friends leave when the goodies run out?) I'm so excited to join you on this fantastic journey. My husband and I had planned to take our then 3 kiddoes and move "off the grid" to a coastal rural area. I researched all kinds of rustic living and we prayed like crazy for the dream to come true. I even found the perfect spot for our lavender/honey farm. Well, God blessed us with a home-based business so that my darling hubby could get off the 24/7 work-a-day, I just never dreamed he would bring his high-tech skills home and be SO SUCCESSFUL! God answers the longings of our heart, but sometimes He takes us on a bit different path (and it may take longer than we had hoped). We ended up somewhere completely different than we envisioned, but we are happily, happy living according to God's plan. I can't wait to see your story unfold.

    Gotta go -- the county fair awaits us. (I'm taking my camera. Your pics inspired me so much in my lurking and looking days.)

    Hugs and prayers for you, Sweet One -- XOXOXOX! (here's some extras for those cute kiddoes)


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