Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well Balanced

Today's lunch.

Tasty, juicy luscious peach.

Extra sharp cheddar and my new addiction: Toasteds crackers. Look-some are "wheat". That makes them healthier, right?

And yes-there are candy corns. And yes: the bright orange bits of pure sugar are out of proportion to the rest of the meal.

And yes-those ARE Pringles crumbs by the peach-but I only had five. I swear.

I guess I should mention the chocolate pudding I ate afterwards too. Just keepin' things real.

I'm all about a well-balanced healthful diet. Fruit. Grains. Dairy. Candycorn. I should be a dietician.

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  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    This sounds like something I would have for lunch. LOL Is this what's making your eye-winking, head-dunkin', two-wheelin' daughter and her brother grow and go? I'm hardly going to know them when I next see them.

    Love from us all; and thanks for encouraging Megan.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Enjoy every last bite of is my favorite, (Well, at least, one of my favorites...right up there with Rice Krispie Treats).

    Crystal in Pahrump

  3. Looks like a great lunch to me!!!:)

  4. Hmmmmmmm ... Gotta go, my stomach is growling. (Now where did I hide that candycorn?)

    Glad to see your sense of humor is returning in full bloom. (Is that from the candycorn?) : )

  5. My daughters want to know if you could be their dietician. The youngest would like a diet of manily chocolate, the oldest vanilla. LOL! It looks great.

  6. Looks Delish to Me :)

  7. can I trade the cany corn for M&M's??? I'd LOVE that meal! Yesterday's lunch was a cheese stick and a bowl of grapes. I had a cup of chocolate pudding waiting, but never got the chance to eat it! Oh well...not all that balanced here, either.
    Take care-

  8. I think it is truly well balanced. Eat what you want. Life is short!!

  9. Looks good to me, too, but I'd also trade the candy corn for some chocolate. ;)

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Wow! Bit heavy on the crackers darlin'!
    Enjoy though.

  11. I totally agree with Michelle. I would definitely trade the candy corn for some chocolate. I didn't catch that. You can't have a balanced meal without some chocolate!!!!

  12. Yup, it needs chocolate.

    And a prenatal pill! That's always my stupid justification for eating similarly. "But I TOOK the PRENATAL pill!!!"


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