Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Just a few hours after posting about my excitement of today's journey northward to visit with Oma and Opa, I received a dreaded call.

Saying: stay home.

Oma apparently fell and was taken to the hospital where they discovered her blood levels so low they thought it best to start blood transfusions.

She is not well- rapidly losing what's left of her weight, struggling with *another* bout of cancer, and dealing with other health and age issues all the while being sole caretaker of my Opa, whose Alzheimer's is making life increasingly difficult.

Which is why I was so excited to have the opportunity to see her and Opa because we have to squeeze these trips in as oft as possible, while they are still attainable.

Mom is headed out there today and from what I gather, will stay for a few days to help care for Opa. Thankfully, Oma and Opa have other children close by who will also be there to help.

I do very much covet any prayers you can offer up on behalf of my grandparents. For the health and safety of my Oma- and to ease the confusion of my Opa, who has learned to lean on her so heavily.

Edited to Add: When I was called last night, the phone was thick with noisy distractions, which blurred the story a bit. Turns out- Oma didn't fall but nearly passed out. Reason number One to be thankful: her frail body wasn't injured. Also-I was under the impression that she would be in the hospital for a few days but after just talking to my mom, I was informed that a straight-forward blood transfusion can take just 4 hours or so-which means, barring any complications, Oma won't even be 'admitted' to the hospital. Amazing how one little phone call can make things look so much brighter!
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  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Oh, Rebbecca......many prayers for your family. God Bless, Stephanie

  2. We'll be praying. Be well.

  3. Oh, we will be praying. It will be a difficult time for you all. The blood transfusion will help her right away. Where is the cancer now? I need to call your mom.

  4. I will be praying for Oma. She is such a sweet little lady!

  5. Rebecca,

    I am so sorry to hear about your Oma. I'm glad things were not as critical as you first thought. We will surely be holding up you and your family as well as your Oma & Opa in prayer.

    All our love,

    Nanci and the clan

  6. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Prayers are being offered as I write....

    Crystal in Pahrump

  7. I pray that all will be well with your Oma. I've just had 2 blood transfusions myself, and yes they should leave her feeling stronger. My heart goes out to your precious Opa too, battling Alzheimers, and I pray that God's Grace and peace will overshadow you and yours at this time.

  8. Anonymous7:59 AM


    I'm sorry to read what happened to your Oma. Will definitely be remembering her and your Opa in my prayers. Perhaps you can still get your visit in.


  9. Rebecca, I'm so sorry your Oma isn't doing well. I pray God will give her strength and courage. I'm so glad things weren't as critical as first thought. I am so thankful that your mom is able to take time to go be with them and give them a hand.


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