Friday, September 05, 2008

Who needs a head?!?

All this talk of homeschooling, painting, unpacking and construction: you might have forgotten there is a Bunkin in my oven.

As busy as I have been, I have come pretty close to forgetting myself at times. I certainly haven't doted on my unborn as oft as I usually do. But, despite my neglect of talking, posing, and introspecting on the life within me, Bunkin is in there and continues to grow and flourish, stretching my skin and tickling my insides all the live long day.

This week marks the second week of being in my third and FINAL trimester, a wonderfully exciting (and a bit nerve-wracking) milestone. Wonderfully eciting because what pregnant woman WANTS to be pregnant for eternity?!? Not I. I'd love to meet this wee one soon. Like today.

Yet, on the other is a bit nerve-wracking because I am still deep in the throws of deep cleaning and have only just begun the task of unpacking. Unpacking one room. Granted, the room is the kitchen-where the most stuff (in our case, anyway) resides, but still. ONE room-not yet completed. I fret and I worry that Bunkin is going to come and be welcomed in an unfriendly, non-homey abode that reeks of paint and cardboard til eternity. I SO want to be settled in by the time our sweet Bunkin is born. It is my greatest wish at this point.

I realized the other day that the last time I posted a photo of myself was at 16 1/2 weeks...nearly 13 weeks ago! I thought it high time, despite the fact that my tripod is still packed away in some dark and dusty place. What resulted were these Headless Horseman shots. Gotta love that. No one sees my double chin! ;-)

But when I starting looking on the computer at them...I was shocked! I don't look any bigger than what I was at 16 1/2 weeks! May I remind you what I looked like then- WAY back when?!?


Now tell me, for 13 weeks later, is that not just insane???

I had a midwife appointment today and after measuring me, she assured me I was fine. In fact, I am measuring at 30 1/2 weeks. How this is possible I know not. I feel like poor little Bunkin just hasn't been growing, though each night as my insides twist and are jostled about, I know that can't be true.

Well anyway. Headless and not really all that impressive of a belly will have to do for now. I'll try to take a few more sometime soon. That is, after I practice jutting out my chin, aiming my camera heavenward, getting a breast reduction, finding a highly unflattering but very belly revealing dress and putting a pillow under there for some belly boost.

Yeah. That should do it.

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  1. I am glad that you posted more than one picture. You were not very big in the top one, so I was delighted to see the growth in the third to last and last ones. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It seems like you were just here not completely sure you were pregnant, and now you are in your third trimester. Enjoy your time. The third one is more difficult since we only have two hands. :-) Just ask Jean. Krista turns one tomorrow!!!

  2. You're adorable! I've always looked huge from the time I had a positive test, but then I didn't noticeably grow at the end. Love the dress, too!

  3. You are beautiful, and I think Bunkin is just the perfect size. Bunkin will have the best home to come home to because it is filled with love, even if all the walls are not painted and there are a box or two left!
    My Bethany was born 4 weeks after our last move. You bet there were boxes, and I didn't even START the painting until she was a few months old! She had a bed, and arms, and a sling...what more did she need?
    Blessings on your third trimester.

  4. You look just precious, Rebecca! I bet you cannot wait to hold your little darling!What month are you due?

  5. You look wonderful! As much as you may protest about the last two pregnancies, this one shows that you're one of those lucky woman who grow a beautiful baby and belly while magically not growing anything else....unlike some OTHERS I know.

    Very truly yours,

  6. Yes, I meant "women."

    I blame all errors on my Prussian education (and the fact that I'm typing one-handed while nursing aPipsqueak."


  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    You look so pretty. Not at all what I looked like at your stage. I was all swollen ankles,and puffy cheeks!tee hee

  8. You look bellies are soo cute! I always check your blog ...almost everyday...thru bloglines...I love your photos and nearly went thru withdrawal while you were moving!! :P I'm not sure if I've ever commented before but have been reading for a looong time. Glad to see you back...your house is looking great...what a beautiful place to call home....

  9. Pretty as a picture -- headless and all. : )

  10. Just beautiful, Rebecca! I love your dress, too.

  11. You look great! And, who complains about their stomach not being bigger? You crack me up!:)

  12. I nearly burst out laughing when I read this, because I noticed the exact same thing about myself the other day! Why are my clothes getting smaller, when my belly doesn't seem to be getting any bigger? I thought about taking new belly shots, then changed my mind since there doesn't seem to be any change(except for maybe my ever widening rear end).
    And on top of that you have goals to have housekeeping completely set up, and I have goals of finding the floor in our basement, lots of boxes to go through here too. We must be partailly sharing a brain with our due dates being 2 days apart. I'm used to sharing a brain with my friend Erin, but its a bit strange shating one with some one you've never actually met!
    Not bad, just more like I 'm really not the only person who thinks these things? Our poor husbands.

  13. You're one of those lucky pregnant ladies who just looks gorgeous and glows! I hope you feel as good as you look. Hard to imagine there's only 3 months to go. I'm sure Bunkin isn't going to be taking inventory when she/he is born so don't worry too much about the house.
    My great-great grandfather was born on a ship coming from Ireland in 1802. They had to put him in a suitcase because there was no crib, LOL! And he lived to be a very old man (married 3 times!) so I'm sure that Bunkin will do great no matter what you have ready for him, LOL!

  14. My word, the home stretch. I can hardly believe the months have flown by. I always laugh when others told me that when I was pregnant, because they didn't seem to FLY for me. :-)

    I can hardly wait to meet the newest little one. I'm thrilled for you and miss you, dear friend.


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