Thursday, October 16, 2008


While holding the pooled up apple in my hand, I got the notion in my head that I ought to take a picture of a droplet falling from it. How cool would THAT be? To see a droplet, suspended in mid-air, falling from the stem of a most gorgeously striped apple?

And I had a minute (or didn't, but pretended I did so that I could try it out...)

So, I started the awkward little dance of trying to manipulate camera and subject while coordinating the movement with the timing.

Starting gently tipping it. So far so good...

yes...YEss.... the water and stem are still in focus...

All is going according to, just a BIT more...

Oh YES. It's gonna work. Just another smidge forward and I'm golden...

And then. THIS.

Just another day in the life of this wannabe.
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1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever seen such delicious apple photographs! I could taste these apples through your photos. Keep up your photography, you definitely have talent.


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