Saturday, November 29, 2008

the suspense

We did something not very nice when Adele was born.

We didn't tell Matt's parents what Bunkin WAS.

The conversation went something like this:

Matt: "Congratulations! You guys are grandparents....AGAIN!"

G & L: "Yeah?!? Well, WHAT is it?!?"

Matt: "ummmm....a baby! You'll have the wait until you get to the hospital to find out!"

But the general jist of it was this: "We ain't TELLIN', na na na na na!"

Yeah. It was mean. It was CRUEL.

But, there was a REASON.

The reason being? They were taking care of our other children and well, can't keep a secret.

I REALLY wanted to see the look on Corynn's face when she found out what Bunkin was. It was she, after all, who has "prayed out my window for a little sister."

And it was worth it too. Because she was beyond thrilled.

Several times throughout the visit she would say: "I think that I must be dreaming..."

And of course, Panda loves his new di-da too.

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  1. I LOVE that black and white of them all together. I like the side lighting, and their expressions are so genuinely joyful.

    John did the same thing to me. We didn't have Internet access, so I didn't find out about Adele until John came home from work and told me that Matt had called. "WHAT DID SHE HAVE?!!!," I asked in high excitement.

    "Um...a baby," he replied with a grin.

    I poked him and stomped my feet and sputtered, but he didn't let me know for a good five minutes. It was torture.

    I am overjoyed for you all and for Corynn, too!

  2. They look SO very happy! Isn't it wonderful when God hears the prayers of children?


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