Monday, December 22, 2008

The Littlest Elf

A newborn Santa Hat gave me such pleasure. 50 some pictures worth.

I've always wanted a Christmas baby. Miss Adele is pretty darn close!

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  1. Definitely the CUTEST elf I've ever seen!

  2. What a little sweet pea! The "Twinkle Toes" shot is adorable. What a wonderful blessing from the Lord!

    Miss Emily Rose

  3. Miss Adele looks quite festive. (I agree with Elizabeth -- you are a REAL photographer even without the fancy-schmancy equipment.

    My computer is definitely ill and should be hospitalized. I can't even access the internet on it to post; in fact, I can't access the internet to do anything on it.

    Bill is talking about giving it a total mind wipe and starting from scratch.

    In the meantime I've snuck on his computer at this late hour to catch up with the N*** and also to let you know we received your card and photo. What a great family pic!!!

    Wishing you a most Blessed Christmas from our family to yours.


    Nanci and clan

  4. She is such a sweet little elf. I didn't get any pictures of mine because my camera bit the dust-well actually, it bit the floor. I am SAD!!! But, I might (crosses fingers, toes, arms and legs) have found some "hidden" funds which will get me a new and better one. Maybe. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, Happy New Year!


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