Monday, January 12, 2009

Buried Treasure

Bits of creation

Traveling ocean

Hunted treasures shared

all wrapped and tucked carefully within each other

so that we too, might experience the vastness and majesty of it all.

Michelle~ a bonafide letter is forthcoming but I had to thank you for shared treasures. Ironically, we've been studying underwater creatures and only the day before our mailbox burst, we sat enthralled, watching the movie DEEP BLUE.

Not a single one broke with your delicate wrapping and each one unwrapped brought gasps of delight.

And now, we enjoy our piece of summertime through snow covered glass

and we remember our dear friends though many miles separate us.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO thankful they all made it to you safely! It is quite nervewracking to wrap up such delicate things as shells.

    I have to give Dave all the credit, though, for wrapping them. He is very good at it. I just get to brown paper wrap the package and address it! ;)


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