Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A first

Yesterday was a big day for our Adele.

The long awaited, much anticipated "REAL" smile!

And after waiting a month and a half, I can say with great enthusiasm:

What a JOY it is!

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  1. Ohhhh! That is so precious! It reminds me of those long ago days of first smiles. They really were special moments.

  2. What a cutie pie. She is so precious.

  3. That is so SWEET!! Cherish every moment..What a beautiful baby!

  4. How wonderful to see her smile...she is amazingly beautiful and precious! And your photos are so breathtaking...I can never wait to come back for the next post! And I want to share that I just found out I'm expecting baby #4...sometime in September!! :) Another surprise...but we are so happy and blessed.

    I've always loved the nickname you gave Adele...Bunkin...so cute! My best friend has nicknamed our baby Mini Who...because my middle name is Lou...so she calls me Amanda Lou Who! Isn't that fun!!??

  5. Hurrah! Piper waited until she was nearly three months old for her first smile (or, rather, I waited).

    Adele should give her some tips!

  6. What a sweetie! I love that smile. :-)


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