Monday, January 26, 2009

Not quite through

I *did* however, manage to snap my Dad at his birthday celebration last night. Do NOT ask me how it happened, but somehow the camera made its way into my hands.

It's official; he is loved.

As is this guy: a long lost brother of mine. I hope he sticks around a while this time!

And~during the evening, Miss Adele' had a laughathon with my mom...the best baby giggle instigator this is. Our Bunkin broke her record by being engaged and smiley for FIVE minutes straight. A Bunkin RECORD. She's not even spoiled ME with a record even CLOSE to that!

It was fun to watch. And yes~this little chickie feels the love too.

1 comment:

  1. I love those pictures of your mom and Adele! The lighting is so perfect-- warm and intimate just like the moment-- and her face is perfect.


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