Friday, March 20, 2009

Bits of Life

It's been a particularly sorrowful two weeks, with the passing of two dear ladies we loved and my blog has been reflective of that. So much so, that I didn't even want to come ONTO my blog (that is, if I had had TIME to do so) because I'd feel more depressed. I knew I wanted to change that, but I just didn't feel like doing much photographing, writing or even thinking. I was in a stink.

I told Matt so and his advice was:

"Sometimes what we don't feel like doing is the very best thing for us.
Go out. Take your camera and go for a walk and see where it gets you."

The man knows what makes me tick.

Lilac buds. They don't think I know what surprises they are hiding inside those little green shells but I do! Lilacs are my most favorite spring-time flower. I've always longed for lilac bushes around my someday home~the dream being white, lilac, and deep purple all intermingling. I don't know quite what colors to expect, but I do know there are quite a few bushes here and there around this property. I can't wait to bring them in and drink in their scent whether I am indoors or out.

I also discovered a few irises poking their heads from a neglected white plastic bag. When we first moved here days were 100 degrees, dusty, with no water available and nothing unpacked. I planted much of my transported plants, but by the last bag of Iris bulbs, I had lost my gumption. I kept the bag right where I had intended to plant them, intending to come back another day. But then, the unpacking and cleaning rush began and I forgot about it until it was too late. Before I knew it leaves buried the bag, and then snow. Out of sight, out of mind.

I don't deserve to see these graceful beauties but I am tremendously thankful for little mercies.

A creek that keeps babbling.

Matt was right, when I forced myself to look around, I found happiness once again.
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  1. I am so sorry about your losses.Praying for you.

  2. Death brings sorrow in any season, but I'm glad for the small comforts of spring. New life poking out all around is a tangible reminder that Death is defeated!

    I'm praying for you and Elizabeth as you mourn the earthly loss of these dear women.


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