Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Henhouse MANSION

This henhouse is approximately the same size as our first two homes.

Maybe bigger.

This is a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL sight to me. Not just because it is dream turned reality, but because of the drastic change it required to GET this way. If you could have seen how it looked before, you'd understand the pride we take in it now. Oh wait. You CAN-just scroll down.

That is, if you dare.

Matt chisled about 5 inches of compact chicken mess out of here before laying fresh sawdust and hay. I wish I would have taken a picture of it before the sawdust and hay. The concrete looked so amazing.

Yes-I just said concrete looked amazing.

He created roosts for the chicken out of some tree branches and limbs. The short one in the corner is for the chicken breed "silkie" who can't fly. wha ha ha ha

He also moved the nesting boxes to the screen so we can see when the chickens have laid eggs on the OTHER side of the pen. See how pristine the wire looks? That was all me, baby!

Our abundant blessings are made so evident with this chickenhouse. Not only did we have an existing structure to work with, it was a large, FANCY tin walled structure. Not only were there workable supplied like nesting boxes-but WOAH! A TEN boxer! Fancy schmancy. We could not have afforded to buy even a FIVE boxer at this point, so I would have been pleased with an awful rusty single box!

We are able to have chickens now, and at only the cost of our sweat!

Matt also used scrapwood from the house projects to build a chicken door and to make them a little runway...which they hate. The finnicky girls, in true girl fashion, like to strut their stuff right out the big PERSON door to make sure EVERYBODY notices them!

This is a view inside the door to the chicken house. Isn't that floor just wonderful!

An amazing difference.

You will be seeing this room more often because this is going to be turned into MY outdoor space. A GARDEN Room! A Potting Shed! An outdoor workroom! (I can't decide which is more romantic to call it...)

More to come on that soon!
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  1. I have to say I like Potting Shed. To me that is romantic (probably because I don't have one), but practical. I hate to be a party pooper, but having raised chickens for as long as I did, and being a former poultyr advisor for 4-H, if you saved any of the old feed equipment, I would scrubb it ALL down with bleach. The dead chickens (that was just nasty by the way)MIGHT have been diseased, and that can carry over to a new flock. You might even want to contact your local extension office and see if they do any kind of testing. I would hate to see you lose your birds due to other peoples negligance, and well with the whole 4-H advisor past, I feel the need to offer my unsollicited (sp?) oppinion.
    I am still totally jealous, and as long as I am chewing the fat here, my dream chicken house (yes, I do have a dream one) is white, with dark green trim, has hollyhocks along the sides, and morning glories along the roof line. Oh, and the chickens are Barred Rocks, per B.s request. Inside is always perfectly clean, and my chickens are content to peck,they never try to escape, and come running joyfully at my call. Ahem. The hanfull of jelly beans I ate at 5:30 AM seems to be kicking in, so I'll quit now while I'm still a bit lucid.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Oh, I would love to have chickens.


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