Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Show and Tell Day 2: Pillowcase Dress and Bonnet

One of the things I was itching to do MOST with my newly restored sewing machine was to make some matchy-matchy stuff for the girlies in the family. I LOVE matchy matchy and now...I have TWO girls! Wa-HOO!

Incidentally, last year I bought several matching vintage pillowcases (starched and pristine, btw) at a yard sale. You know...just in case I should ever need matching pillowcases for a project...

Happily~ I had some yellow polkadot ribbon, bias tape and lacing that I could put to good use. I love it when a project just comes together easy peasy, without a need to run to the fabric store for something as it is being created.

I just love chubby baby legs so I wanted to make the dress a bit more Shirley Temple. Easy access to roll-pinching, a favorite pasttime of mine.
Since Bunkin is still so small, a pillowcase is too much fabric. I used some of the leftovers to create an elastic waistband for Corynn's project (to come tomorrow) and make a coordinated bonnet. I'd likely have enough to make matching booties too, if I could bring myself to cover up cute toesies-which I can't.

The pattern on the pillow had a scallopping on the edge which I used. I didn't HAVE to hem it (the joy of using a pillowcase) but I wanted to. So it's my fault I made more work for myself. All in all~ I think yellow suits her.

Had to include this last shot for no other reason than I love my Dad's face. There is a reason I used to call him Papa Bear.
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  1. Rebecca,this is so precious!Love that outfit.Have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  2. Wow. In that second picture, I thought I was looking at your baby picture. She certainly does favor you.

  3. I LOVE IT. I am so making my girls some, once the basement is cleaned.
    And yellow vintage charm to boot! I can't wait to see what Corynn has tomorrow.
    You are just the incentive I need to get my sewing "room" set up.

    Your sewing skills BTW, rock. I probably would never have dreamed of trying soemthing like these dresses!

  4. Thanks Faye!

    REALLY Mrs. Bibby?! You think so?! I've been thinking the same thing but....wasn't sure if it was just me wanting it REALLY badly! :-)

    Mrs. Bonnie~ are you on crack? I do not believe a word that you say---after all, I have seen your top-notch boutique work first hand. Pillowcase dresses are nothing. BEYOND nothing. So there. PS~ a picture of YOUR beautiful dress is forthcoming. I promise, I won't claim it as my own handiwork. I won't say I wouldn't LIKE to, though.

  5. Awww! I love the dress! And what a sweet little model to! :-)

  6. Rebecca,
    This is SO ADORABLE!!! I love the polka-dot ribbon, too!

    I haven't made a pillowcase dress for Camryn, yet...you can believe I'll be checking yard sales now that I've seen yours!

    Looking forward to the rest of your show-and-tells.

    Kris Zerby

  7. Rebecca, wow you really are a good seamstress!! What an absolutely adorable dress and a beautiful baby girl in it!! Good Job Mommy!!!

  8. Rebecca- I sometimes wonder that myself;0} But really, I would have looked at a picture of a pillow case dress, and though "Nah, to much work, and it looks confusing. I'll stick with what I know."
    I promise I'm not lying!
    And you made Andrew pants with out a pattern. I'm Miss I HAVE to have a pattern. I can fudge the assembly, but I need to see my pattern pieces.


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