Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Things I love about nursing:

~the deep-throated contentment moans Adele' makes when she is on the brink of milk utopia

~floppy, bendable ears available for play

~they way she folds her hands together while she nurses. Almost always.

~the way babies "need it" like, yesterday, but the moment they latch on~all is forgiven.

~legs curled into a ball

~baby breaths and Mama breaths becoming one

~it allows you those brief moments of stroking the deliciously rolled and wrinkled baby necks that are normally hidden. And maybe taking a nibble, or two.

~baby milk breathe

~they way her eyes roll back in her head as her eyelids get heavy...that, to me, is the look of sheer bliss.

~a totally dependent little being, and me-being able to provide what she needs.

~curling corners of a baby mouth-smiling, but not big enough to let go of the loot.

~finger paths woven among baby wisps on top of the softest, roundest head you've ever felt.

~Being able to give her something no one else can.


  1. ME TOO!

    You know, I still dream that I'm nursing my babies several times a week. It's sad when I wake up.

  2. This brings back such precious memories for me Rebecca. Thank you!


  3. It is, indeed, a treasure...I am proud to say that my 8 month old has been exclusively nourished by ME...what a wonderful gift!

  4. My third one is still nursing! And I treasure each and every feeding...because I look at his 2 older brothers and remember when they were in my lap eating...*sniffle* Thanks for the entry!

  5. That is so sweet!! You almost made me cry..I nursed all 4 of mine. Those were the most wonderful times of my life. I loved when they smiled when they were eating and wouldn't let go too! Nursed babies just smell so much better don't they? Thanks for sharing. It brought back memories and made me smile too!!
    Blessings!! Jerelene

  6. Rebecca,

    From the looks of the comments here you have touched a very special part of our hearts. It's been 12 years since I nursed the last of my three "babies". Nursing is one of my sweetest and fondest memories. Thank you so much for the reminder.

    Also, I thought you might not see my reply to your comment on my blog, so I am putting it here as well:

    If I could wish you back here, you would have been here months ago. I miss you; I miss laughing, and talking, and crying together; and I miss you every time I walk in the church. It is a rare and treasured gift to have the friendship I have with you. And we are far, too far apart for my liking.

    You know the flower exchange is coming up soon, a great time to come back for a few days, visit and pick up some additions to your garden. We DO have a room with YOUR name on it.



  7. Amen! There is nothing like nursing a little one! My Anastasia is still happily nursing and we are both loving it. Many blessings!


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