Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It all started with this little boy.

Samuel. My nephew. My childrens' friend. My sister's son. He turned four not so long ago.

And we celebrated, boy did we, at my sisters' house. Where there was cake. And a pinata. AND little bug catchers with gummy worms.

(We interrupt this prologue for a picture of my very own, cutie pie of a niece. Slathered in dirt and chowing down, as only a child could do. Thank you.)

I thought the little bug catcher party-favors were very clever.

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  1. I'll just comment on everything here: Elizabeth sure knows how to throw a party! The kids are too cute!

    You are a brave Mama. Millipeeds? I saw one scurrying up the garage wall RIGHT by the door and nearly had heart failure. Have I mentioned that I once stepped barefoot on a house centipede? I don't think I've gone down the basement barefoot since. (And thats sayin' something, because I am ALWAYS barefoot. Even when its snowy, but not outside. Barefoot out side, I mean, don't want you thinking it snows in our house. )

    A creek? Why couldn't we have a creek instead of a scummy old pond.
    And yours is all rocklined/filled to boot!

    Snakes don't bother me to much, but in the house....

    How are ya all feeling?

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Hi Rebecca - could you please email me Editor(at)Econobusters(dot)com.
    I want to send you the May Digest where we featured your ribbon holder and wrapping paper holder ideas.


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