Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby Robert

Baby R, originally uploaded by sgrbear724.

This little guy has the most delicious baby rolls and most beautiful skin tone. When I saw him, I said "I MUST photograph him. Thank you." Then I snatched him from his carseat and stripped him down.

He is three months younger than my Adele' and...much bigger.

MAN, is he cute or WHAT?!?


  1. He looks so wise! Or...I don't know if that's quite right...his eyes express such feeling that seem beyond his little bitty life so far. What a precious child!

  2. Oh my goodness, he is sooo cute! His eyes are so full of personality! He looks almost identical to a baby I cared for in Africa, Nehemiah. What a sweet guy!

  3. He IS Beautiful!! What sweet pictures! Love, Jerelene


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