Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'll give you ONE guess.....

A reversible Kitty bib for 'lil sis.


I say it's reversible but why on EARTH would I want to hide Corynn's embroidered cat face?!?!?

She's a special girl, my Corynn is.

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  1. Tell her I said she did a beautiful job!! She should be proud of herself, and my guess is that she is.

  2. Corynn,

    What a great bib! You did a wonderful job! I love the KITTY FACE. It was very kind of you to make it for your little sister.

  3. Rebecca,
    I so understand your feelings of frustration...been there, myself, many times.

    But, LOOK AT THAT BIB!!! It is SO CUTE!!! Corynn should be very proud. And her accomplishments will be a testimony not only to her ability, but to your willingness to deny yourself in order to teach and encourage her.

    And, soon...you'll both be working, side-by-side, and you'll be so glad you took the time, now.


  4. Corynn,
    Auntie Beth is so amazed by you! What a thoughtful considerate girl you are to make such a beautiful time consuming gift for your baby sister. You did a wonderful job and I love you :)


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