Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer thrills

I plum forgot about last week's Foto Friday. I apologize.
But you see, I found myself too busy enjoying....

:: a visit with Opa dear, every one a gift

:: discovering a couple wild peppermint plants (how'd they get THERE?) and ample spearmint

:: a colander as a permanent fixture in the sink, for rinsing our daily harvests

:: our own little watering hole

:: bunches of thyme, oregano, cilantro, mint, basil, and dill draping from blue ribbon across sunlit windows

:: hands comfortable with one another, and comforting

:: a book so good, husband and I read each other excerpts, tickling heart spots and stirring fond recollections

:: after dinner treks down the hill, through the stinging needle, over the creekbed stones and past the bear prints to the blackcap bushes~where we find our dessert. (The one time we return with gathering baskets empty, but bellies full)

:: finding moments, though brief to saturate in words

:: garden admiring

:: wearing bits of sky

:: gathering baskets for all, returning home from adventures and explorations positively heaping

:: Papa mirror; a boy too ready to be a man

:: daily harvests

:: wildflowers abundant, vases everywhere

:: bits of edible gold

:: patio breakfasts of french toast with cool breezes to drink up and creek sounds to flavor, still in pj's

:: the loudness of nighttime, as the nightowls come to prance and play

:: the QUIET of power outtages

His many gifts, if only we notice.


  1. Joy. Absolute, everyday- blessings joy, and in your someday house. How good is God?

  2. What a beautiful post.

  3. What a beautiful post! I loved the picture with the barn and the sky..I meant to tell you..I love your oil lamp, it's so pretty!
    Glad you are enjoying your harvest and that you had a nice visit with your Opa..
    Love, Jerelene

  4. God is good to you. He's good to me too. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I Loved this post, Rebecca. Yes, the blessings of life are in the moments!

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Beautiful post, and just as beautiful pictures! What is the book you and your husband are reading in the pic?


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