Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Go with It

Learning is fun.

Learning is fun because LIFE is fun.

Homeschoolers are generally well-known to believe and live that life motto but it doesn't have to be limited to homeschoolers.

A picture in a book made a spark, cookies and icing blew oxygen in just enough to fan the flame, and an atlas and books illuminated our minds the rest of the evening.

We now know what the Eiffel tower is, what country it is in, what river it is beside (hey! The Seine is in a song we know!), what France's flag looks like and why the colors are the way they are.

We know these things not because we homeschool but because we live in a BIG and INTERESTING world, and learning about it is always exciting and ALWAYS fun.

We also know that the building an Eiffel tower out of wafer cookies and icing is harder than we originally thought.

But JUST as tasty.

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