Friday, August 28, 2009

The youngest of the bunch....

In lieu of Foto Friday this week, I am going to share some takes from a recent photo shoot.

On our trip, I purposed to shoot five girls (with a camera, that is) because....well:

1) They were willing
2) I need the practice
3) Two are seniors
4) Because who can STOP me when I am behind a camera?!?

One "working woman" had to have her photo shoot alone, but the other four all had a fun, energetic photo shoot together which I thought worked out wonderfully. They were all eager to pose, but the others were occupied with chitchat while I worked with my "model" so she never became uncomfortable with stares and silence. It was relaxed, low-key, and the smiles came all the more naturally around friends. PERFECT!

I took A.LOT. of photos and I will spare you all the redundancies (I am going to TRY to limit to five pictures per girl. TRY.) I'll cover them in the course of next week but I thought I would share the two youngest girls today.

Meet Caitlyn:

~ her smile just doesn't stop, so she actually found it challenging to have a more serious face. I personally liked seeing BOTH sides of her.

Meet Megan:

~She is quieter and (dare I say) shy so I was surprised she let me get all in her face with my camera. But she was a great sport. Thanks, Megan!

Look at those eyes! WOWZA!

Megan and Caitlyn are best friends and have been since I've known them.

So I thought it fitting they both share the frame a few times.

The one below is my total favorite though~ because it so perfectly reflects their different personalities.


  1. NICE!! I LIKE, I LIKE!! :-)

  2. Beautiful girls, beautiful pictures!

  3. Wow, talk about beautiful pictures and beautiful young ladies! Where were you when I was looking for senior pictures and wedding pictures? Ha, ha. OH yeah we hadn't met and well I'm not sure but I think you may have just a little to little to lugging a camera around back when I was a senior!

    Enjoy your weekend!! It's fall here. In one week our trees all changed... Please pray the snow doesn't come for a long while or the cold. I think I would literally break down in tears if that happened too soon..

  4. Thanks for doing the pics i like them alot!Now i finally have some pics of me that i like!


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