Friday, September 11, 2009

A book Lovin' Crew

Well, I had no idea how book-lovin' a group we were until I got so much great feedback about the library! Thanks everyone!

And you ladies who know and love Trixie~ may I just say openly how cool you people really are? I remember as a young girl going through old, dusty bookstores looking (hoping, wishing!) to find JUST A FEW MORE and the salespeople always saying "Here are some Nancy Drew" and I would think "Doesn't he know there is a DIFFERENCE!?!?!" Sheesh. Many a day was curled up behind those pages and I am glad to know I am not the only one. I am also glad that Matt got to read all those comments so that he won't pester me about getting rid of the one extra box that just won't fit. So again, THANKS!

There were lots of questions about them and since I don't comment in the comments section often, I wanted to forewarn you that Matt will be commenting all the nitty-gritty details of the bookcase (in the comments section) for those interested (Peggy!) when he gets a spare moment, so check back.

As for the questions that *I* can answer, here goes:

Peggy~ No, we don't watch Veggie Tales. Sorry I wasn't able to comment sooner. If you already mailed the package with them in, no worries. I know people who do and I will pass them on.

JenniferM~ Well now, THAT'S a funny story. I will leave it at this: we were told purchasing this house was something that could easily be worked out. We want to. So, we are banking on that fact. Plus~ they knew about it.

Amy~ no, I did not. That very day I purchased it at Salvation Army for $1.00. Yes! A BUCK. Not a blemish or run in sight. I have a weakness for handmade afghans in thrift stores. I just know someone put a tremendous amount of work in them and would be heartbroken to see them lifeless on the secondhand hanger with a pricetag of a few bucks, so I buy them up just in case they ever come in. Just doing my part...

And Claire, from Father's Grace Ministries:

WHO is HE??!?!?!
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  1. LOL! Rebecca! Glad to know you and Matt love Spurgeon too!

    We actually got one of our twins second Christian names HADDON from the great man himself. So we have a Christopher Haddon, instead of a Charles Haddon.

    Bless you

  2. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I was deprived as a child...I never read Trixie Belden...*check out library online* :) Maybe I will read them this fall myself! :)
    I bought a BEAUTIFUL hand quilted quilt at a thrift store for $3, Rebecca, so kudos on the afghan!




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