Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just so you know...

THIS is what happens when you ask a tired 6 year old to smile:

THIS is what happens when you ask a tired 3 year old to smile:

And THIS is what happens when you ask a tired 10 month old to smile:
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  1. Love Adele's duckling fuzz hair!

  2. Poor Addie! Is that a tear on her chubby little cheek??

  3. Adele is so adorable even when mad :) I love her hair....my little guy seems to be growing the same little chick fluff that sticks up too.....soooo cute.
    The other two are precious as well :)

  4. How sweet! Evan's hair was like that when he was a baby but is was really long.
    THANK you, THANK you, thank you! I got the package! It looks like such fun. I'll get a letter off to you later this week. No word on the job either... still!

  5. Awwww, poor baby! I love her hair. :-)

  6. Now I see the resemblance to momma in the youngest! I know, I am nasty. But I love to tease. :-)

  7. I love to take crying pictures...strange I know...but there is something about the baby fussy face that I need to remember...the kids are getting so big...and the tree idea with the leaves is worth stealing...in fact, consider it stolen...hehehe.


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