Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Because I thought He ought to know

Our itty bitty camera with the video feature was finally uploaded to the computer. I found this video of Andrew several months ago but it seems a fitting time to post it. Love you Papa!


  1. Adorable! Now I have a voice to put with the face and letters!! I have to tell you I am enjoying reading your blog. Because everything took so long to load on dial-up I've never been able to spend a lot of time reading older posts. Your writing is profound and have given me much to think about! I love it because I know God is the one who is picking out which posts I read. So often what I read during the day ties into what we are reading for our family devotions at night! I love how God directs our lives...

  2. What a handsome little man you have there! Little boys, they hold their Mama's hearts in the palms of their hands!

  3. How seet! He is a cutie!!

  4. You know with my take-a-year-to- download telephone line, I just NEVER even try to see a video online -- takes FAR TOO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT! So you know how much you guys mean to me to even TRY to watch this. And my reward was great... It was a pure delight to hear Boomer's and your voice again.
    He is just such a little cutie!!!!

    Hugs to all.


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