Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Golden Sun, Sun

Please shine down on me!

This week has been crazy already.

In fact, my life for the next month (TWO months even) looks positively exhausting from a glance at the calendar and a gander at my to-do lists.

Which leaves not very much time to say anything profound here.

But gives me a quick opportunity to share the bits of love Mattie shared with me for no other reason than he wanted to.

And okay.

Truth is, I bribed him.

It was an exchange of goods. A bill of sale. A barter, if you will.

But I got me some fresh flowers for the table just when the frost has killed my precious cutting garden.

I loved how they glowed in the last of the evening light the other day.

They glow in the morning too.

Which helps me to glow...all day long.
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  1. They are beautiful. Somethings are definitely worth bribing for.

  2. GORGEOUS. :) Thinking happy thoughts!

  3. Gorgeous Shots Rebecca, how can anyone be sad when looking at your pictures (or the real thing!) :)

  4. Flowers sure brighten up the day. Flowers from your sweetheart are the best of all!

  5. So what was the bribe? The flowers are gorgeous too...that dahlia seems to have no blemish.


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