Thursday, November 05, 2009

Foto Friday: Playing Dress Up

Last week's Foto Challenge was timely, the theme being DRESS UP. Perfect for Halloween, to be sure, but the theme could have been interpreted in so many different ways and run with having nothing to do with Halloween.

I have nothing incredibly creative to share this week. I used up all my Halloween costume shots on this insanely long post so I had to raid the costume box very last-minute like. Nothing profound, but still fitting the theme.

And of course~ the BEHIND the SCENES shot:

Now it's YOUR turn...........

In order to participate in these Foto Friday challenges, you must take a photo (or several) pertaining to the challenge and post it to your blog (and when you do, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} so that perhaps we can get lots of participants! Because, you know, the more the merrier!) Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

Most importantly~challenge yourself, but HAVE FUN doing it.

This week's theme is one that get's us right in the Autumnal spirit of things: LEAVES.

Better get this one out of the way quick, before all the leaves disappear altogether! :-)

So, back to nature we go!

Hope to see you next week.


  1. We really had a lot of fun with this week's theme. I made sure that I saved a bunch of pictures to post. lol! Now leaves... well, that's going to be a bit more difficult in the desert. ;)

    How can you resist those precious eyes???

  2. Oh what sweet pictures!
    My goodness, American Girl paper dolls! I think one of my sisters had that set.
    I think my favorite baby picture is the first one-cute kissable little darling!

    Leaves huh? I might have to use one I snapped last week, because after all the wind we had last night, the leaves are GONE!

  3. I LOVE the shot of Corynn, it is ABSOLUTELY EXQUISITE!!! :)

  4. The second picture of Adele is my favorite! She's absolutely precious!

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    AHHHHHH!!!! (delighted scream) Adele is adorable!!!!!

    I am trying, per request, not to post too many personal photos online so thus is my "twist" for the theme today. :-)


  6. Is that Betsy McCall? AAACCKKK!!! cut out dolls.. I used to have a shoe box full to overflowing with them..
    The girls are gorgeous. Each picture individually made me Ooooo and ahhhhh.. WOW! Excellent!

  7. I absolutely love the pink frilly angel! And the princess in the sweet! GREAT SHOTS!!!

    Many blessings, Rebecca!

  8. Oh and thanks for the 'behind the scenes'! :D

  9. I really appreciate the behind the scene photos! Your girls are so incredibly cute!! Thank you so very much for being willing to take this project on and being an inspiration. It is nice when a person willingly uses the gifts God has given them!!

    Take care now,

  10. Adeles eyes are strikingly black in that one picture...I could barely take my eyes off of them...Really nice job...I loved it all...You always do such nice work!

  11. Thanks i had so much fun with this weeks project and iam excited to try some more.
    Just so you know those boots totally did my feet in but "pain is fashion" and sometimes you just have too bear it. :)
    Your girls are beautiful i love your arisitc touch with the little details. My fav pic was the behind the scenes.
    I really enjoyed reading some on your blog and want you to know that some of your articles really encouraged me this week.

  12. I echo the praise for behind-the-scenes! Rebecca you are amazing and even the shots that aren't "meant to be" are brilliantly artistic!

  13. Hi your note on my blog about re-scheduling our get-together! Sure! I am assuming the same time next Tuesday...if not let me know I really should get your phone number...and address. Talk to you then!

  14. You are so talented! Many blessings!


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